Cat fanatic. Casual Art observer. Occasional gardener. Passionate foodie. Wannabe book maven. Reader. Total explorer. CODM. INTJ. MCTD.
17 December 2009
Asuma Dies....
03 December 2009
22 November 2009
Its been too long
Yes, apalah sangat kisah-kisah kehidupan dan ketidak puasan hati aku berbanding artikel-artikel politik mahupun isu-isu semasa. tapi orang kata, it's a free country.
Aku tidak pernah ada definisi yang tepat tentang perasaan aku. kadang-kadang aku sengaja mencipta keadaan di mana aku tidak perlu berasa apa-apa. aku suka berasa senang. tapi aku lebih suka tidak berasa apa-apa dari rasa yang agak hampeh.
Aku sedang tertanya-tanya, betulkah aku sudah tamat pengajian selama 5 tahun setengah sebagai pelajar? adakah aku in denial? tidak, aku bukan in denial. aku cuma realistik dan praktikal. realitinya result tak keluar lagi. jadi tidak dapat dipastikan samada aku benar2 telah tamat atau tidak.
aku memang tidak faham apa yg dihuru-harakan oleh semua orang sekarang ini.
Yep, aku memang kurang genius sehingga terdapat keraguan untuk aku lulus semuanya. tetapi walaupun seseorang itu genius sekalipun masih terdapat ruang untuk dia tidak lulus. kerana kita bukannya boleh melihat masa depan. jadi tidak perlulah nak terkinja-kinja. tapi kalau lulus pun tidak bermakna boleh terkinja-kinja.
Aku lebih suka berasa yang aku ini bodoh dan masih banyak yang perlu dipelajari dari merasakan yang aku ini sudah cukup pandai. Kerana kebodohan sebenar adalah merasakan yang anda sudah pandai.
bercakap tentang terkinja-kinja. aku terfikir, walaupun kita semua lulus dengan jayanya apakah yang telah kita kecapi sebenarnya?
Manusia telah mengubah sejarah walaupun umurnya baru 20 tahun. (siapa? google la banyak je)
tapi ape yg kita dah buat? Macam tak ade apepe jek. Kemunduran lagi ada lah.
Bagi aku adalah satu kemunduran kalau kita terlalu terikut-ikut dengan benda-benda pelik yang ada di sekeliling kita. bila kita menolak dikatakan tradisional dan tidak ikut peredaran zaman. kalau kita serius pun orang kata itu masalah. padahal, orang bangkit dari benda-benda pelik yang mereka sedang lakukan sekarang untuk mencipta satu tamadun. tradisi adalah modernisasi. menjadi orang yg tradisional sebenarnye tidak kolot. ia ada lah satu class dan prestige. kerana tradisi-tradisi, custom etc itulah yang membezakan orang yang modern dan orang yang kolot. sebenarnye orang yang dikatakan 'moden' itulah yang kolot kerana kembali kepada kegelapan. mereka bukan moden, mereka cuma sekular dan tolol.
Aku cuma merenung sendiri. Aku mungkin juga telah melakukan banyak benda yang bodoh. tetapi aku merasakan yang aku juga telah menjadi sedikit dewasa berbanding sekiranya aku tidak berjaya hidup di dalam institusi yang autocratic ini. sekurang-kurangnya aku dapat melihat bahawa mereka tertanya-tanya mengapa pelajar mereka tidak berfikiran terbuka dan bodoh seperti lembu yang dicucuk hidung sedangkan institusi mereka sendiri yang mencucukkan besi di dalam hidung 'lembu-lembu' tersebut.
Aku juga tidak mempunyai jawapan mengapa aku menulis sebegini. mungkin kerana inilah perasaan aku sekarang. dan hanya inilah cara dan gaya untuk aku meluahkan. atau mungkin juga kerana aku sedang membaca karya-karya Wahba dan penulis-penulis lama yang lain. Selepas ini aku mahu membaca Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky disamping menghabiskan buku Charles Dickens (Little Dorrit).
Ape plan aku pasni? malaslah nak cakap. aku ni bukan orang yang suka bermimpi. aku nak teruskan kehidupan. mencapai segala peluang yang ada dan tidak memilih sangat. aku akan teruskan dengan chambering sebab itu adalah pilihan yang paling logik. tetapi sekiranya aku mendapat tawaran yang lebih baik aku akan terima je. Sementara menuggu result aku mungkin aku bekerja dimana-mana yang patut untuk mengisi kocek. tapi aku tidak mahu terlibat dalam dunia kapitalis yg kejam dan bekerja di restoran makanan segera atau shopping complex.
aku juga teringin nak membuang masa dan duit dengan lepak2 dan shopping2. tengok wayang etc. aku paling nak sekali pegi bercuti. tapi tengoklah kalau ada rezeki lebih.
dah ah, bosan plak. cukup sampai sini. adios.
16 October 2009
Exam syndrome is back
That being said, i still feel like i need to do something to kill time thats already dead. I dont feel like doing that alone but i am quite choosy in selecting company. And the company that i want had some affairs to handle.
other people that i like is either too far away or i am just too shy to ask.
So, after paying RM20 fine at legal Unit (i dont want to comment on this), I feel like doing something. asked a friend to come with me and watch Papadom but the answer is negative.
I dont feel like driving too far and stuck in traffic jam alone.
decided to check Wangsa Walk out.It opened officially today(?). I know the cinema is yet to be opened but i just want to see whats it's all about.
Well, its quite boring so far. Perhaps the only main attraction is the soon to be opened cinema. I suggest anyone going there to not wear any heels. luckily i wore my shoes. its literally a 'walking' place with 'hilly' pathways and stairs.
I dont like the layout of the place. but it has some interesting places to people NOT like me such as TGI Fridays, Secret Recipe, Popular. I checked their FOS out but the garments are boring and small. Went to Guardian, Vitacare and Cold Storage to find a shower cap but oddly they have none.
I mean, if u cant get a shower cap from pharmacy or supermarket where else can you find it? I explored every inch of the place. thought if interesting shops came out later and the cinema open it might turn out to be really nice.
but i guess it will be filled with juniors. seniors like us will leave soon enough. not that i envy that at all since it will just be an excuse for them to be stupider in life.
Bought two Rotiboy and ate while driving back. And I was thinking now that even if I went out to do something really fun rather than checking out the boring place I would still be hollow.
Perhaps its my annual exam syndrome. talking about that, why is it so hard to find my man? Is it really true that i must go to the next one million people to find that one in a million since i'm already one in a million person in this million?
The Dark Lord of My life
Jawapan: Dark Lord
Kepada Dark Lord,
kehadiran anda di sebelah saya amat menghairankan dan creepy. siapakah anda di mata saya? tiada siapa siapa.
Ya, mungkin orang lain suka berada di sebelah anda (kot). tetapi saya terasa pelik.
kalaulah anda membaca post saya ini
kalaulah anda boleh faham
Anda tidak mungkin menjadi kawan saya kerana apabila saya terfikir bahawa anda suka berdiri di sebelah saya secara pelik, mana mungkin anda menjadi kawan saya?
Apakah yg bermain di fikiran Dark Lord sepanjang 4thn ni apabila dia berdiri di sebelah saya? sungguh misteri.
Wahai Dark Lord, kehadiran anda di sebelah saya tidak mencabar saya. abaikanlah segala usaha anda.
Okay, mungkin semasa saya hingusan saya ada membuat silap terhadap anda. tetapi saya sudah berasa bersalah dan sudah melupakannya. apa lagi yg anda mahu?
tidak bolehkah anda melupakannya? saya bukannya perempuan yg boleh mematahkan hati anda. banyak lagi perempuan lain yg jauh lebih hebat.
Tidak, saya tidak tertarik dengan anda walau apa pun taktik anda. haha.
Selamat tinggal Dark Lord. lupekan je la saya. haha
Hai, kalaulah aku mempunyai kekuatan untuk mengatakan sendiri semua ini kepada Dark Lord.
24 September 2009
Kita Sudah Beraya
Holiday....i dont want it to end...tak habis melantak lagi....
Plus...i'm scared of exams
plus...i have that magazine to do..haha
14 September 2009
right, even now i didnt know what is it actually that i wanted to write. the accumulation of things that i want to write made me numb and my brain went blank.
After coming back from medical leave, i feel like i'm losing track (as i have expected before the leave). the hectic life as a law student made me unable to catch what i missed. i just have to go forward with the current topics for all subjects. Even without the leave issue. i still feel like everything is a dream and i am living in a trance. my heart is no longer in it. One lawyer once commented on why i hate Equity and Trust. she said 'maybe its the lecturer.' For that subject...what she said is true. i hate that subject because the lecturer is annoyingly psycho. but what about now? well, the lecturers are all equally pressure giver, nothing's different. I dont know....perhaps, coupled with one poyo guy for a lecturer plus everyone seem to go gaga over him (i heard nothing new from him which is y i cant understand y...any why...and why...) i just seem to begin losing interest.
Apart from that, its the people issue too. I am actually a skeptic - which means i always believe that one day people will show its true colour. it's just a matter of time. Many people were uneasy with my bluntness and the 'swiftness' of decision. However, in my defense at least you know what to expect from me and will always know what i think and who i am, what is my policy, how i decide. I will never change. But for many people out long do you think until they will behave differently? One day they are your friend and the next day they stab you behind your back etc etc (well maybe not next day, maybe one year or four years later. but still). If i disagree with anything i will just move away from it. and 'it' will know. so whatever happens next is not a surprise. in the war you see, i prefer the chivalrous method. the headlong method where your enemy will see you.
Today, i didnt mean to be understood. what you read is just a fragment of how my mind works. trust me. you wont understand.
What i want to say next is....
My philosophy is that everything is fair and balanced. sometimes i just let myself be used. i became nicer etc etc. that was just a repercussion of what people did to me. that people are nice to me. they became useful to me one way or another. so when they made themselves 'disagreeable' i just let it pass because i used their kindness as a neutralizer. but i'm just afraid the neutralizer will dry if i couldnt find the refill.
the thing is, i am not afraid to be alone. i've been alone since forever. and i think everyone is alone in their thoughts too. so i dont want to waste time fixing things. i just want to move on to then next thing to do. maybe when one day i've done everything that i wanted to do i will regret the 'discard and move' policy. but the question is...will i have the time to regret? the thing is, even when u feel like the relationship will never will end. so whats the different between ending it early or late? will never understand.
28 August 2009
Influenza Like illness
dan sekarang aku dah bosan.
menghabiskan MC dengan tido untuk cepat sembuh. bolehlah dikatakan aku telah berjaya. Alhamdulillah.
bila dah sihat sikit mulalah terasa boring. kalau mase sakit dok risau pasal sakit....timetable makan ubat...etc etc
aku dok memerap jek kat flat sepanjang mase. maklumlah self quarantine.
malam tadi sedang aku lepak2 tengok citer tower 13 tetibe aku dengar bunyi yg riuh rendah kat depan tingkap.
wait for it....ini bukan cerita hantu walaupun aku sedang tengok tower 13 yek!
lagipun bulan pose takde hantu aaa. yg ada cumalah manusia hantu yg telah mendapat training yg padu dari setan2 sampai setan pun tak risau la nak kene rantai sepanjang bulan pose ni pasal dia tau anak murid dia akan menjalankan tugas mereka dengan perfect.
ok tak perlulah kan aku nak membebel kat sini.
sebenarnye aku nak cakap lebih kurang 4-05 ekor beruk makye telah pberpindah ke flat di depan flat aku. dan malam tadi sibuk mengurat bebudak perempuan kat tingkat bawah umah aku. yg a ku tensen nye dok terpekik terlolong tanye nama awek2 tersebut. dan awek2 tersebut pun sibuk melaungkan nama mermasing. ape ke bodohnye?
aku cuma tengok kejap jek sambil memikirkan samada perkara ini akan berterusan selepas ini. maybe....yes.
aku plak time tu tengah agak lalok sebab makan ubat selsema. disebabkan dah lalok aku pun tutup tv dan selamba je tido amidst all the noise. terus tido mati sampai la pagi ni.
rase macam nak balik uia tapi.....balik pun watpe...kengkawan sume dah cuti weekend. aku ada hati la nak stadi. tapi kalo aku blur sape nak tunjuk ajar?
moral of the story teruskanlah dengan kejahilan aku sampai hari selasa next week.
03 August 2009
The Most Effective way to make me a bankrupt before half a semester
I want to try not to use the phone. Please help me out. I could use some support.
I am giving you people a lot of alternatives here:
1) for information that needs my delayed attention, kindly write me a letter to my home address or mahallah address. Here is my mahallah address: Sumayyah G1.1. home address? Kindly investigate.
2) for information that needs my ordinary attention, kindly email me at my yahoo or gmail account. Or leave a comment on my blog. Or leave offline message on YM.
3) for information that are relatively urgent, you can use the emails above as well together with facebook message.
4) or you can buy me a long ranged walkie talkie. That works too.
5) or deliver all your whole week's worth of reminders/conversations viva voce to me the moment you meet me in person. you see i always have pen and paper.
6) or grab my diary and write everything yourself
7) or come straight to my room for a long chat
8) or talk to me during breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper. but of course, you would have to find me first where all the above measures shall come into effect.
9) or you can train a pigeon or two
10) you know what works best? just call me.
11) if you are too desperate to get my feedback kindly pester all my immediate friends by sending sms to me through their phone so I can reply there (ini memang keji).
12) When nothing above works, just forget the fact that technically I am not dead.well, anything butreplying via my phone.
Anyway, I don’t think there is serious inconvenience here. I basically online everyday.
24 July 2009
"Lose You" - Pete Yorn
I’m taking a ride off to one side
It is a personal thing.
When I can’t stand
Up in this cage I’m not regretting.
I don’t need a better thing,
I’d settle for less,
It’s another thing for me,
I just have to wander through this world
Stop before you fall
Into the hole that I have dug here,
Rest even as you
Are starting to feel the way I used to,
I don’t need a better thing
(Just to sound confused)
Don’t talk about everyone,
I am not amused by you.
I’m gonna lose you,
Yeah I’m gonna lose you
If I’m gonna lose you,
I’m gonna lose you,
Yeah I’m gonna lose you
If I’m gonna lose you
I’ll lose you now for good
19 July 2009
The Beginning of the End

Hafiq told me not to publish this picture in facebook. so I didnt. I published it on blog instead. i guess, there are not many people who will care so much how he look here in my blog. plus, it didnt look bad to me. anyway, that pic is just to furnish my post today. by the way, hows my new look? haha
So, i have finally settled down after the whole week of new semester started. all my stuff is in their proper place. Mahallah Sumayyah replaced all of its old furniture with a new one. Although I love the old one and think that there is nothing wrong with them, I also like the new one. I'm too lazy to take a pic of the new furnitures so let me just describe it. we've got bigger table. i guess i am only the minority that love the table because it is made for a geek like me. it is now easier to lock my laptop. i can now place laptop, printer and clutters and still have place to study and write. the wardrobe is ok. although for this one i like older one better. i couldnt hang my clothes without crumpling their bottom because this wardrobe got too many shelves. plus it didnt have mirror in it like the old one. the bed was perfect. it is big and long. the two compartments underneath it r spacious. all in all this room scores almost the same points as the old room. kay, enough about this.
Classes. Somehow right before it begin i was so excited and full of resolutions. however, once i met the lecturers my interest began to drop rapidly. I think most of them is unnecessarily twisted. However, i am happy with myself because at least i do flip through some pages before classes. But, i hate the fact that that is not enough. The fact that I lost the best lecturer in aikol for my only best subject is also frustrating. i hate his replacement too. well not exactly hate.....the point is, i am still not convinced. well, such an unhappy beginning. I hope it will get better.
Ramadhan is coming. I didnt think this will affect my study because i believe fasting helps the brain. I just hope i will not receive so much pressure on final year tasks and assignments because its tiring.
Since the semester is on its early beginning, i didnt feel any emotions or melancholy. more like i couldnt wait to leave since i hate the fact that i have lost interest and the cause of losing interest. but i have a feeling that everyone will try to make it hard to leave simply because it is too easy to leave. they will make sure that we will not leave without a second glance. well thats just my prophecy. see if i am right.
i am also worried if i couldnt leave. what if i flunked anything?
now thats a question.
I also have one or two things that bothers me. but i simply didnt want to write about it. for now. because it'll only make me depress more. so we'll just leave it at unhappy musings.
04 July 2009
Penang Tour and Food

Okey, post untuk story pasal kerja dah pun siap dan published. sekarang aku nak cerita pasal trip aku ke Penang.
memule skali aku nak cakap: Marvellous, Fantastic, Sgt Best, Wowiee!
Day 1:



Day 2: Pagi2 lagi aku dah bangun dan bersiap untuk food tour aku. kali ni kami akan bersarapan di kedai roti bakar dan canai. buat pertama kalinye aku akan dapat merasa roti mamak yg sebenar. kami sampai di kawasan depan Maliia Bakery:
atas: Maliia Bakery
...dan terus duduk untuk bersarapan. memang best dan rasa makanan ni mmg tidak terdapat di Kuala Lumpur, Seri kembangan mahupun Gombak (tempat2 aku). Aku makan Roti Canai dan Roti Bakar Butter n Kaya + Half Boiled egg (super!)


Penang Tour - selepas tu aku perlulah melakukan aktiviti2 membakar lemak seperti sight seeing. tapi sebelum tu aku, Fiza & Muna pegi beli tiket balik pada hari ahad nanti di Tanjung MArina. why here? sebab aku terpakse beli tiket yg mahal untuk naik bas yg lebih selesa kerana didapati aku tidak mampu mengharungi perjalanan seperti semasa aku datang itu sekali lagi.

HArga???? RM68 jek. murah la dari tiket kapal terbang. huhu.
lepas tu kitorang pergi melawat P Ramlee House seperti yg dicadangkan di dalam brochure melancong. masuk adalah percuma.
Aku selaku self-proclaim peminat P Ramlee berase terharu melihat sejarah kehidupan beliau. sememangnya seorang genius tu kalau dah genius tidak akan mengira asal usul dan darjat. seterusnya, kami mengisi masa lapang dengan melawat Fort Cornwallis. Entry RM3. disini aku agak kecewa kerana tiada ape untuk dilihat melainkan meriam2 lama. pelancong terpaksa membaca segala macam tulisan disini untuk mengetahui segala sejarah. masalahnye kami pelancong ni dah penat membace, sebab tu la kami pegi melancong. kalau melancong pun kene membaca ape ke halnye? hai, nama pun sight seeing kan...we want to see sights not words. anyway, kesugulan hati terubat dengan buaian lama yg ada di dalam fort nih. kami pun ape lagi, tanpa berfikir panjang terus mempergunakan buaian ni dengan sewenang-wenangnye:
Makan - lepas tu kami pun keluar untuk mencari makan tengahari pula. KAmi g bungkus nasi kandar Immigration:
Memang BEst!
lepas tu g bungkus cendol pulut di sebelah Chowrasta dan dibawa pulang ke rumah Fiza untuk dimakan beramai-ramai:
aku sungguh tidak dapat mempercayai hakikat bahawa dengan harga yg bapak murah kami dapat makan makanan yg paling best dalam dunia. Air soya bean kat kedai cendol pulut tu pun sangatlah hebat penangan nya, tak ketinggalan cendol nye yg hebat jugak. semua ini kumakan dan aku kenyang sampai lah di saat aku sedang menulis di sini.
lepas makan kat umah Fiza, aku pun balik ke hotel untuk berehat sebab gendang gendut tali kecapi.
Lepas maghrib Fiza amik aku kat hotel dan kami pergi Gurney Drive sekali lagi. berbeza dari semalamnye, kali ni aku nak makan pasembur yg diwar-warkan sebelum ini. Perhatian, ejaan pasembur adalah p-a-s-e-m-b-u-r bukan pasembor mahupun pasemboq. haha.

Selepas makan, kami bertolak ke Night Bazaar yg cukup popular di Batu Feringghi sehingga tersenarai di dalam brochure pelancongan yg aku ada.

kami mula bertolak pulang selepas jam 12 malam. sampai sahaje di bilik hotel aku terus tidur di katil yg empuk. maklumlah sembahyang di kerjakan secara Jamak dan Qasar.
Day 3 (last day):
Aku mula berasa sedih kerana pelancongan aku sudah pun sampai di penghujungnya. terasa tidak cukup. aku agak menyesal sebab tak tempah hotel sampai 4 atau 5 hari. tetapi jika difikirkan balik bagus lah tak cukup. dengan itu aku akan terus mengingati tempat ni sampai bila2. bila melancong tu biar jangan sampai terasa bosan. bila dah bosan rosaklah trip tersebut. ok tak analogi aku? haha
pagi-pagi lagi Fiza dah amik aku untuk dibawa bersarapan. kali ini aku makan roti canai seperti di atas. fyi, roti canai di Penang dihidangkan dengan seketul daging yg empuk. dan juga tosai. aku gembira sebab hidangan tosai disini lengkap dengan segala kuah yang aku perlukan terutamanya idli. kalau di tempat aku susah nak jumpe. kali ini kami bersarapan di sebuah restoran. mulanya nak pergi tempat tepi jalan jugak tapi takde parking.
tiket bas aku pukul 3pm. so, kami takde mase nak melilau jauh-jauh sangat. so, kitorang pegi Gurney Plaza. aku saje je nak tengak samada berbeza ke tidak shopping complex kat sini. sah takde beza. haha.
PAstu, kami keluar pergi cari makan tengahari. kali ini destinasi adalah Restoran Hameediyah yang cukup popular di Penang. Mak Fiza (auntie) pun ikut sebab auntie memainkan peranan penting membeli makanan di dalam kedai ini (kalau aku atau fiza yang beli akan diketuk dengan sewenang-wenangnye).

auntie sedang memberi arahan kepada tokey kedai mengisi lauk kedalam plastik


nasi briyani. nampak simple tetapi menurut pakar makanan aku (Fiza n co) inilah briyani sejati.



03 July 2009
and i played with the waves
30 June 2009
Never say goodbye


kesimpulannye aku byk belajar dari kedua-dua tok guru aku nih. aku respect diorang ni sebab bkan semua org bleh jadik legal staff. in fact Charles Dickens penulis terhebat yg aku kagumi pun pernah jadik legal clerk before dia menjadi terkenal sebagai penulis. dan aku sgt berbangga sebab dapat merasa walaupun sekejap pekerjaan yg hebat nih.


okey, inilah jack of all trade kat dlm firm ni. nama dia Azni. mase memule nak mintak keje aku deal dgn dia ni lah. pastu dah dapat keje, aku selalu mintak pen kat dia pasal pen aku asyik hilang jek. hehe. dia ni semua pun pandai, buat accounting pandai, angkat tepon pandai, dan paling pandai sekali berurusan dgn abang posmen yg kacak :P
17 June 2009
All i can say is, i do not waste any minute i spend in this firm. i feel like even if i am not a pro at conveyancing, i think people here can agree that i have some basic of it now. and i have one POV here: what we did last semester all that filing and stuff IS NOT CONVEYANCING that was LITIGATION dEM IT. anyway, we know its not what he called it...but we just shut it and do it coz hey thats life. u gotta do what ure told unless and until ure in the telling position. so i quote KAK INA 'senang naj ajar kau ni' muehehehehe (kembang dowh) HOWEVER, i do not take it in toto okay, i took it with a grain of salt too. they said my personality suit LITIGATION better. well havent i heard that one too many times. truth is, i'm not sure of it. as usual, i prefer to just go wherever life took me.
anyways, i plan to resign by the end of this month. i've already book a hotel in Penang on the 3rd-5th July. I AM SO GOING CUTI-CUTI MALAYSIA. and Fiza and the family is ready to receive me. and Hafiq might be coming too. i bid all the food in Penang to await for my arrival patiently. huhuhu :D
kay, lunch hour is over.....adios (singing Santana -Corazon Espinado)
27 May 2009
mi casa part II
 is Stephen King said... 'memory nook'
since its technically my nest..i decided to put up some pic from the past...other shelves are my 'vanity' book case showcasting my statutes and law books. ahahaha. also some of my fictions.

here is the entrance to all three rooms. the one with things inside is of course yours truly's

close up on my memory and vanity nook. hahah

here is as you can see is the living. just one couch for one gal. although i do received it as a gift from the Godfather (ok ini tipu)

this, people, is the kitchen.

this is the entrance to the lair.

this is the smallest empty room in the house. for rent for RM220. ready to be inhabited!

this is the second largest room...again...for rent for RM280 (one person) or RM300 (two persons)
i mean, technically you're paying for the nice landlady (i.e moi)and peaceful life here.


okay, the last two pictures are mine. so. thats it. hahaha.
anyway, thanks for viewing. I dont know if there will ever be a kenduri rumah baru or not. but if there is I totally will invite all of you. i mean it....ALL of you.
in the meantime, my house is open for visitors!
26 May 2009
Gambar Rumah Flat aku


Okeh Hafiq...inilah dia gambar flat aku. tak sempat lak nak amik byk2...aku kat opis nih and this is the only pictures in my pendrive at the moment. teheee
yang kat bawahsekali tuh ko bleh agak la gambar ape ek. yg atas tuh gambar art by Nadia Zawani. ade special wall just for that art...we just cant live without art kan...kat seblah kanan art tuh pintu masuk. seblah kiri dapur. nanti ada mase aku amik pic lagi. especially my memory corner and 'library'. u just have to see that. hahaha