15 September 2008

They say, test your trait before testing your fate

Recently, i took out a personality test to determine what field of job suits me best. I was inspired (shockingly) with what i learn in my Basic Counseling Skill ii class. the lecturer mentioned that if we took SDS (self directed search) we can know about our suitable career and also about our personality.

I found out that i am an INTJ type personality. It was reported that famous people with this personality are Marie Curie, Stephen Hawking, Hilary Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger...etc..well not that i claim any credit for that. lol. anyway, what i want to stress is that, this psychology test does apart from telling me what i know about myself, confirm about who i am. I am glad that i know, i am in right track, studying law right now. not that i'm gonna change my course had it been different result. this is just for fun and its based on psychological research.

the test can be taken at: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp

spend your time reading various reports provided at the result page about your career personality and personality in general.

When u have discovered your profile type (eg: INTJ, ESTJ,ESTP...etc), u may open http://typelogic.com/ to read more about it.

another fun test is political performance indicator: http://www.humanmetrics.com/politics/politicalsuccess.htm

i found out that my political performance would be moderate at 66%. just like what i had expected since i am always moderate in this area. haha

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